

The Dark Knight Rises trailers

2012. Nolan wanted the story for the third installment to keep him emotionally invested. "On a more superficial level, I have to ask the question," he reasoned, "how many good third movies in a franchise can people name? He returned out of finding a necessary way to continue the story, but feared midway through filming he would find a sequel redundant.By December 2008, Nolan completed a rough story outline, before he committed himself to Inception. Later in December, Alan F. Horn confirmed that while discussions with Nolan about a third film were ongoing, no casting had been done, and Horn denied all such rumors.

Before Nolan confirmed his involvement, Gary Oldman had said he was confident Nolan would return. Nolan explained that as long as he is directing, Robin will not be appearing in the franchise because Christian Bale is still portraying a "young Batman," which meant "Robin's not for a few films. In addition, Nolan considers the Penguin difficult to portray on film, explaining, "There are certain characters that are easier to mesh with the more real take on Batman we're doing. The Penguin would be tricky.



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